Computer Services
in Bowling Green, KY.

You want the best service for your computing needs.
Computer repair, malware removal, secure business networks and data, secure wireless access, personalized support, and more is what you will receive.

Get your computers running for you, not against you!

White Wolf Systems has helped clients choose the best options to fit their needs since 1994.
Call 270-792-3192 or email to get started.

Business Solutions

Making your technology work its best can be a challenge,
Your business needs to balance performance versus costs to be as productive and profitable as possible.

Helping you make technology decisions is what we do!

From a single PC to large corporate systems,
White Wolf Systems can keep your business systems running smoothly.

With over 35 years of computer experience we can lay out options and make recommendations that work for you and your unique situation.



Protect your data from malicious activity.


From a Break/Fix scenario to continuously monitored systems.

Computer Security

Data must be secure, backed up, and recoverable


Need a custom database or program? We can do that!

Click below for information about key services:

Residential Services

Your PC is an everyday part of life. We live and breathe by the information available at our fingertips.
When your computers aren't able to get to that information, life and work can come to a screeching halt!

What do you do when that happens?
Who do you call?
Who can you trust?

There are so many options it can be overwhelming, frustrating, and STRESSFUL!

You need someone who understands your needs, will narrow your choices, and explain your best options.

That is what we do, and we do it very well!



Is your PC running slow?
Are you getting pop up windows?

New PC Installation

Transfer your files from your old PC to the New PC.

PC Repair

We will determine the best course of action to get you back up and running.


Hard wired or wireless we can help.

Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to start your next project?

Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!



The story behind the name:

White Wolf Systems

A legend is told in which a young Indian brave is sent out from his tribe to hunt by himself. During this time he gets lost and is unable to find his way back to his tribe. He eventually gives up hope. One night he is staring at the fire he had built. Across the fire he sees a white wolf staring back from the edge of the woods. This continues for several nights, until finally one morning the brave awakens to find the wolf standing over him, the white wolf beckons for the brave to follow him. The white wolf leads the brave back to his tribe, then quietly slips back into the forest as the brave is reunited with his tribe.

White Wolf icon

The analogy is that users are lost when their technology is not working.
White Wolf Systems leads them back to where they want to be.
When the problems are resolved, the White Wolf exits quietly until needed again.

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